As I reflect on my favorite films, I would have to say that my favorite type falls within the Classical style and more towards realism. I like the unbelievable/would almost never happen in real life love stories like The Notebook because they usually have some witty lines and a little bit of comedy, but they're also very touching and make me wish we lived in such a world where such things as the little rich girl and the poor farm boy being together are actually possible. I like films that leave me with a happy feeling and glad I watched it, like I could make a difference in the world. Capra's works would probably perfectly describe what I like in films. Beyond these type films, I absolutely love musicals and dance movies. Growing up singing and dancing, I've always loved performance movies with unknown actors that are actually dancers or singers instead. Anything from broadway musicals to things like Take the Lead (yet again, one person making a difference in others lives) and the Step Up trilogy are sure to catch my interest and be some of my favorites.
If I'm going to shell out $10 to go see a movie in theaters, it must have a good story line, usually yet again within the Classical style, those that seem real on one level, but if you delve deeper, you realize such things don't actually happen very often, but I also like big name actors/actresses. I'm more likely to go see the film if I know who's in it and like their other works. I guess you could say I like the typical girly movie with a love story and a happy ending, but also those with a great musical/dance performance.
I think a movie should have some of emotional connection to the person watching it to make it a great film, no matter what style or genre it is. I want a film that leaves an impression, one that makes me think, yeah I'd watch that again, or I can't wait to see that again! There must be a good story line or plot and I appreciate good acting, unless of course, it's a documentary or something not involving actual actors. If it's a musical/dance film, I am more interested in the talent and abilities of those within the film, whether singer or actor, than I am in the story line, as most of them do not really have such great plots; they're more concerned with the performance than a great story line which does bother me a little as I like a good story line, something that has some thought put into it, but if the dancing or singing impresses me than I will like it anyway.
Honestly, I'm not much of a movie buff...sitting in class, I have heard of, even less seen, almost none of the films mentioned. I really don't know many directors or even think about who is the director of a film when I think about going to see a movie. I don't really think about the technicalities or what goes in to a film, the significance, the symbolism, the colors and their meanings all seem to escape me. I guess I am just one of those that watches the top layer of the film, grazing over the surface of it, what it before my eyes, and never bothers to delve deeper into what the director was thinking or trying to convey through the film. I must say though, this class has given me a greater appreciation for film and sparked my interest in other genres of film, things I would never think to see before taking this class. It has expanded my very narrow taste in film and made me look at films in a different way. I actually think about the meanings behind the film now which I've never thought about before.
This is an interesting response. For someone who claims not to look deeply into film I think you've done a pretty incredible job of articulating themes this semester! And now I wish I'd shown a musical!